7 Ways to Enhance Your Teaching

1. Record Yourself

Record your own class & listen back to it or even take your own class! This is such a powerful tool as you’ll hear what does and doesn’t work.

Yes it’s sometimes a bit challenging to hear yourself, so be very kind when listening back.

2. Send me your Sequence for Feedback

Send me your sequence and I give you constructive, kind feedback to help evolve your sequencing.
The sequence is what makes your classes feel balancing (or not).

3. Dedicate more time to your Self Practice

I know I know, this is what we loose first when we get busy teaching yoga.

BUT it’s in your self practice (which means you practice on your own, it’s not a youtube or studio class) where you’ll find all the answers.

4. Book a Mentorship Call

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own! I’m super happy to help you wih any of the challenges you come across as a yoga teacher.

I’m currently only taking 1 mentee every 2-3 months.

5. Explore a different Yama or Niyama

Pick a Yama or Niyama and infuse your life with it. How can you practice non-stealing / generosity in your relationships?

How can we practice non-attachment in the sharing of yoga?  

Once you have thoroughly explored a Yama or Niyama, you can use it as a theme in your classes.

6. Join a Yoga Retreat, Training or Workshop

Once you have digested your previous training and have taught for a while, it mught be good to join a yoga related retreat, training or workshop.

Nothing like new inspiration to boost your teaching!

Lucy & I are offering the following trainings next year:

  • 200 hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training (Madrid)

  • 30 hr Restorative Training & Retreat (Tuscany)

7. Teach Something that Scares You a Little

I’m not saying teach a yoga teacher training after just a couple of years of teaching yoga : )

But how about a workshop or retreat?


‘How can i refine my sequencing?’